viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

favorite animal

-It lives in forests
-He eats plants especially bamboo.
-is big
-is so fat

-It is a domestic animal to if that lives in houses
-They eat pelet for cats and fish
-are small
-are so cute

-Some of them are servants  
-They eat lettuce .carrots and pelet
-They are small 
-They are rather fat

- some of them are small, other big mas.
 - they eat pelet
 - they live in house or in big places depending on the dog


 - they live in lakes and rivers, (the terrestrial ones not)
 - they eat camarones or a few tablets
- they are aquatic, need to sunbathe



 - they are of aquariums, it is a fish of soil
 - they clean the aquarium
 - they feed of the waste of the soil

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