viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Place to visit

"La serena" 
 - this one in the north of the country
 - it would be going to encamp
- to relaxing and to spend it well

Easter Island 
 - this one in the south zone of the country
 - to see the sea
- to see the stars by night

 - it stays in the south zone of the country
 - it would be going to see the glaciers by ship
 - to see the penguins and polar bears

Vineyard of the sea 
 - Center of the country is located in the zone
 -bañarse in the sea
 - to go to the beach

 - this one to the south of chili 
 - this one joined with Top Arns 
- it is the last part of chili

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

Post 4

There comes to the country the Congregation of the Religious Josefinas of the Holiest Trinidad, which traditions and cultural baggage have his cradle in Spain. They began his first steps in the education in Chile collaborating with the Brothers Maristas in the College Alonso de Ercilla.

 The need to extend more the charisma across the education led them to creating his own colleges in Chile.

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

Post 3

- that have more friends, so while are studied, there know themselves many persons, who are with you in class.
 - more desire are had of going out to the street to amuse.
 - it does not worry you to pay taxes, you nor have expenses of any type, since our parents have it.
 - diseases are not had.

 It is an age with enough freedoms, but with the name "adolescence" already you realize that it cannot be very pretty because he suffers. Since many things happen to you for the head.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

favorite animal

-It lives in forests
-He eats plants especially bamboo.
-is big
-is so fat

-It is a domestic animal to if that lives in houses
-They eat pelet for cats and fish
-are small
-are so cute

-Some of them are servants  
-They eat lettuce .carrots and pelet
-They are small 
-They are rather fat

- some of them are small, other big mas.
 - they eat pelet
 - they live in house or in big places depending on the dog


 - they live in lakes and rivers, (the terrestrial ones not)
 - they eat camarones or a few tablets
- they are aquatic, need to sunbathe



 - they are of aquariums, it is a fish of soil
 - they clean the aquarium
 - they feed of the waste of the soil