miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

post 1. 23/april

Importance to come to school.

The main importance is not just to fulfill an obligation, legal or with the parents. The idea is to learn culture, the own language
Arithmetics, some other languages, and  all the named basic education. I  think the  purpose is to grow physically, accompanied with culture , more as better improvement
In the intellectual aspect, and also  related to education, as global.

The  importance of not to go to school.

Ther principal consecuences of  not to go to school would be
A  big lack of general knowledges even for speaking  and writing very basic things. Comunication  for simple ideas  or objectives
Would be very complicated to  get better. Probably with the passing of the time, it would be more and more difficult to  progress lately, foundamentally for problems of language and rationalization of  more  elaborated matters, symbols. Surely worse of levels of difficulties, ast maths and other Sciences..

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